bug-i actually saw the simpson's movie and found some parts quite funny. i don't know tho...i think it's a toss up b/t the leeks and gpa simpson freaking at church lol
A leek, eh? Huh. I thought it was a feather duster. Shows you where my mind is. (Yes, it's in the cleaning closet.) I have no clue what that girl was saying, but it sounded good to me. That's a hint folks -- she may have been swearing a blue streak... :-)
Funny you should mention that! I'd like to have some leek soup while that girl, dressed in a French maid out fit went around the room with a feather duster!
Doesn't take much to make you happy, huh bug? Strange, dancing, singing girls, cheap divorces, the west side, goats ---- you're an amazing insect. seeker.
Bug, You know that's my nickname too (actually BedBug - don't tell!) It's time to come out again --- whatever molting, deshelling, whatever metamorphosis you're going through has taken enough of our collective times ... Do I need to hire some bug specialist to chase you out of your hole? seeker
I watch the whispy clouds that hover high above. I squint at the grenadine sun as it sets over desert sands. I stare at the outlet mall patrons who send me sidelong glances as they scuttle to their cars. I wonder what happened to my ride.
crazy leek girls rock!
So you like girls who swing leek.
Seriously, dude. If you have something to say about me, fine, but don't criticize other bloggers here.
Don't they, though? Leek girl is quite the singer, actually. She does some nice Jeff Buckley.
I like girls that swing all three ways!
ummm doesn't take much to amuse u, eh? lol that leek swing is totally HOT lolol
Hi, Ciara!
Heh, can't tell you how long I've been wanting to say that! I can't be the first to make that joke, tho! :-D
No, I am easily amused. Although I went to see the Simpsons Movie today and had kind of a tough time there.
Um, I didn't understand a word she said.
And yet, I understand completely. Well, except the leek thing. That baffles me.
bug-i actually saw the simpson's movie and found some parts quite funny. i don't know tho...i think it's a toss up b/t the leeks and gpa simpson freaking at church lol
She's got pig tails...he he he...they make good handle bars!
I love the Simpsons, and parts of it were quite funny - seeing Bart's doodle was hilarious! But overall-some of the jokes were too obvious.
I know! I'm kind of scared of that leek though. I'm not sure of her intentions.
It would make an interesting whip...got to take a trip to the grocery store on my way home from work!
I'm not so worried about the whip end...
A leek, eh? Huh. I thought it was a feather duster. Shows you where my mind is. (Yes, it's in the cleaning closet.) I have no clue what that girl was saying, but it sounded good to me. That's a hint folks -- she may have been swearing a blue streak... :-)
Get your mind in the gutter! What;s wrong with you? ;-)
Back atcha, babe!
feather dusters, leeks...probably all tickles SOMEONE'S fancy lol
Funny you should mention that! I'd like to have some leek soup while that girl, dressed in a French maid out fit went around the room with a feather duster!
Can we possibly find something else to make you happy?
Are you offering something, or just trying to get me to change my post?
1) What did Toby say?
2) you know what would make me happy? You writing another entry :P
I'll see what I can do. They're backed up in the production department.
Damn, am I that transparent? I can't help it, she annoys the hell out of me!
She reminds me of my 14 year old neice singing into her brush in her bedroom. This kid has a lovely voice but I'm not so sure about the leek business.
Oh and I'm with chickypea
new post
NEW POST! NEW POST! NEW POST! tell whoever's in the production dept to pull their thumb outta their ass and get a new post up here. lmao
Bug? You there? Miss you, Bro.
Pink, Ciara, Chicky, Lynn:
Thanks for wondering if I've fallen off the planet. I have a writing assignment due today and then I'll put up another post.
Doesn't take much to make you happy, huh bug? Strange, dancing, singing girls, cheap divorces, the west side, goats ---- you're an amazing insect. seeker.
Hmmmmm... I don't have sound at work. Guess that's a good thing?? Hehehe.
HI BUG!!!!!
What language is that anyway? If it were Welsh, then the leek thing would make so much sense.
Except it sounds more like an Irish jig..
Now Bug-Boy.. get on with a new post please! Or else I will tell the "other" production line to stop working on your custom order.. see there.. lol..
(o where o where can Bugwit be? O where o where did he go?!)
I think Bug has gone AWOL.
I'm trying people! :-)
Grad school and shit! :-)
i just figured this was the end all and be all of your happiness here lol thought you ran off and became a leek freak lmao :P~
He did. He ran off with the leek girl (it's a feather duster) and he's just afraid to tell us.
damn, i hate it when my web security here at work filters stuff like this.... :(
You know that's my nickname too (actually BedBug - don't tell!)
It's time to come out again --- whatever molting, deshelling, whatever metamorphosis you're going through has taken enough of our collective times ...
Do I need to hire some bug specialist to chase you out of your hole?
In France they have a term of endearment called mon petit chou(my little cauliflower). This is like that but much weirder.
Just got back to blogging myself. Where are you?
I think it would make me happier if it was a courgette LOL
well if this is your leaving post...you sure know how to annoy and disappear without so much as a goodbye - both at the same time.
please post something else. if only for mercy's sake.
can't send my 'attempt' at your pif gift w/o addy.
Ciara: That girl could make me a leek freak! You should hear her sing some other stuff!
Lynn: Yes it's a feather duster for a Finnish maid outfit!!!
Slyde: You know better than to blog at work! I, however, have no such scruples.
Seeker: I think I am more molding than molting!
Sniper Kitty! Good to see you, cat! I'm deep underground! I'll explain shortly.
Marmy! A courgette? Is that the lonely woman's vegetable of choice in the UK? You naughty, naughty shopper, you!
Pinky-san: I shall! And no, this is not goodbye!
Hi Ciara (again) ;-)
Thank God - a new post.
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