Thursday, September 11, 2014

Red Rocks and Pink Visitors

If you've been keeping up with Tania Pinks' blog, you know that she is just wrapping up a working vacation in the US. Tania has an Arizona real estate license and flew in to the lovely Southwestern Summer just to keep up on what's new with selling dirt.

While she was here, we figured we'd go on up to Sedona and check out the vortexes, er, vortices, er, new-agey energy field thingies that Sedona is supposed to be surrounded by. Well, I did a little research ahead of time and found a map of all these vortexes and it turns that there is one on the exact spot where my brother and his third wife, Psycho II, were married five years ago.

I, of course, left that map at home, so Tania and I decided to drive four laps around Sedona looking for a replacement map and a parking permit. When we finally located the wrong Tourist Information Center, the stoned chick behind the counter told us a little secret: according to the city ordinance (obviously lobbied for by local wackos), you don't have to pay for parking so long as you are observing some sort of spiritual observance in the middle of one of these vortexes.

So, we made a sign that said, "Gone to Pray" and left it on the dash while we revisited the sacred site of my brother's unholy union. We didn't really feel any energy, save from the Sun, which had been set on 'broil'. No doubt the vortex was out of order on my brother's wedding day, too, as they have just filed for divorce. Yeah, I'm one to talk.

So, whatever skeptical opinions I may have about Sedona, it IS a wonderful place, and it does have one of the the most beautiful chapels I have ever seen. The Chapel of the Rocks, I think it's called.

The rest of the day was spent driving up to the Grand Canyon, where we did a Clark Griswald, looking over the side for less than half an hour and then heading back to Flagstaff in a hurry to catch our 8pm dinner reservations. Dinner was at Josephines, one the best restaurants in this world or any other. After a long day of chasing energy fields and looking at holes in the ground, it was wonderful to sit outside in the 70-degree weather and have a nice Osso Buco, southwestern style.

Miss Pinks is as sweet as pie and a good sport, despite her Reverend status. She has a thing for Starbucks, by the way. We couldn't pass one without her stopping to pray.

Thanks for dinner, Tania, and thanks for dropping by. It has been wonderful getting to know you better.


Chai said...

Sounds like fun times.

jungle jane said...

I would like to visit Arizona. I hear the local vegetation is shaped liked knobs.

The lesbians must HATE it...

Bugwit said...

Chai: Indeed it was!

JJ: It's true. The local lesbian union tried to get the state flower changed from the saguaro blossom to the pussy willow. No luck yet.

MarmiteToasty said...

wheres me post gone? :(


Spilling Ink said...

How awesome!! This post just cracked me up btw. I pray for Starbuck's, too!!! Your brother is divorcing Psycho II, eh? Been there. Too bad he doesn't have a blog. Gotta go. Need latte.

Anonymous said...

Awww, that's good stuff!

Bugwit said...


You know I love you, but that is literally the worst excuse for a comment I've ever read. It's obvious that you just couldn't think of anything to say and pretended that blogger ate the incredibly witty thing you originally wrote and now you can't remember what it was.

Tsk, tsk.


Yeah, my brother's getting divorced now, too. My parents are so proud. This is three for him. THe sister's got two. I'm the winner with only one.

Even if my brother had a blog, he wouldn't talk about it. He's the strong silent type. Kinda like Frankenstein.



Why thank you! Um, when are you starting a blog, missy?

Pink said...

I seem to recal there was at least ONE Starbucks where we did NOT stop to pray, despite my protests to the contrary ;)

MarmiteToasty said...

Sod off tosser LMFAO....... I so did leave a loverly post...... :)


Spilling Ink said...

Woo hoo!! Pinks was supercharged!!

ChickyBabe said...

Amazing shots! Makes me want to travel again...

jungle jane said...

Your brother sounds hot. Hook us up, Bug?

M said...

The whole desert thing scares me a bit but I'd love to see the GCanyon.

Chicky Pea said...

I'm glad to hear you had such a nice time. It does sound very interesting although I'm far more drawn to water than landscape. Maybe I have some sort of opposition to that area because I've never been able to grow a cactus to save my life. Things need water, dammit. :-)

Bugwit said...

I was just trying to keep the experiment untainted. I couldn't have you downing a vente caramel machiado with an extra pump and then get all giddy on the vortex, exclaiming, "It's true! It's true! I can feel the energy!"

It was all in the interst of science. ;-)

I'm sure it was quite poetic. Care to recite a little?

She was indeed! She kept coing all day, while I had to take little naps while driving.

Actually I suck as a photographer. I could have used a little post-production de-hazing. Have a look at Pink's blog for better pics of the trip.

JJ: You got it. Stay away from fire, though. Don't what he'll do.

M: What scares you about the desert? Isn't half of Australia just about like Arizona?

Well, I have to say, had there been any water on this trip, I would have been in it. It was hot!

See, the problem is that you are a nurturer. You don't GROW a cactus. They grow themselves. Just let go, Les. It will be good practice for when you kids turn 35. ;-)

Chicky Pea said...

Damn, I am a nurturer, how did you know? It is kind of funny you mention that because when I had asked someone why guys are so attracted to me that was part of the answer, because I'm so nurturing.

You know what they say, you can lead a cactus to water but you can't make them drink it :-) Okay, maybe that isn't quite what they say.

Pink said...

"experiment" - ya I think they call it that in Guantanamo too!

Bugwit said...


You just have to stop saying things like, "Aww, I'm so sorry," and "Tell me all about it," and "Come to mama." ;-)


Actually, I think they have a Starbucks at Guantanamo.

Chicky Pea said...

Geez Bug, I may as well become silent then. Hell, I am who I am, don't think there is any changing it :-)

Anonymous said...


Soon.... ;)

~d said...

wheres me post gone? :(

This is most excellent!
maybe one day I will meet someone in real life and they can confirm for all you non believers that I totally ROCK! Or at least that I am female! I am so glad you guys had fun! HOORAY!

Pink said...

I'll meet you Tildy! I want to come for Mardi Gras. And then I will confirm you aren't so boney as all that!

Hope bugsy doesn't mind me honing in on his kitty kat pal, but we did do nekid photos together until boo boo bugsy pulled them down.

(with latte in hand)

~d said...

Yes, we did!
What a most excellent memory you have. A PHOTOGRAPHIC memory! (HAHA)
did your cups look like these?

and, dear Bug...Smile!

Bugwit said...


In that case, come to papa!!!

Elizabeth: Well, hurry up already! I feel like I'm talking to a ghost. I mean, you're friendly and all, like Wendy, but I can't see you!

If you want help, or suggestions or just readers, let me know.

Even though I have never met you IRL, I can attest that ypou rock. I have heard many a blogger say the same about you.

Girl, you are the shit!


Well, now that I have my laptop, I no longer blog with my work pc, so maybe I will put your pics back up!

PS: Like all cats, Tildy is very independant. It's not up to me to give her to you. All that matters is whether she wants to hang out at your place.


Andy Gibb in bulg-enhancing tights! I think I'm blind! Ahhhhhhh!!!!

~d said...

elizabeth *you have piqued my curiosity as this out!

Bug...ya like Andy, huh? HAHAHA

WHOOPS! And may I leave something for Pink as well?

M said...

oh I hate the Australian desert too! I just get the hebbie jebbies from wide open spaces of deadness.

Bugwit said...


Gotcha. There is something about those wide open spaces. Sometimes makes me feel like I'm under a big magnifying lense.