Thursday, September 11, 2014

I Was Asking For It

Tildy gave me a virus, er, meme to answer - five interview questions. It's sort of a voluntary pyramid scheme/chain letter, so if you would like to be interviewed by Bugwit, leave me a comment and I will write five questions just for you. You will feel special. I guarantee it.

Here's Tildy's queries:

1. Where do you spend most of your money?

I spend an awful lot of money at Wisemagic Tattoo Parlor in Scottsdale. Few people know this about me, but I am completely tattooed under my clothes. My schwanz is done up like a barber pole. The effect can be mesmerizing.

In addition, I keep buying all this genital jewelry, but it seems to break down under duress so that I find fragments all over the bedroom. Frequent replacements are needed.

2. What is the silliest prank you ever played on someone? many to choose from. I think I'll give you several stupid pranks. When I was living in the dorms at Southeast Missouri State (the K-mart of colleges), there was this big dumb jock (who had been cut from the football team) that lived down the hall from my best friend. The jock didn't like that we got stoned on 'his' floor. As I returned from the bathroom one night, I saw him throw a firecracker under my friend's door. I hid so that he would not know that I knew it was him.

My stoner friends and I had already perfected a system for locking someone in their own room by taping three pennies together and inserting them into the gap between the door and frame, making the deadbolt impossible to turn.

So, at various times, we pennied him into his room and:

a. threw in a smoke bomb;
b. emptied a container of talcum powder in front of his door and blew it under with a blow dryer; and
c. filled a manila envelope with shaving cream, inserted it halfway under his door and stomped on the other half, spraying the foam all over his room.

Lastly, we waited months to catch him taking a crap and three of us burst into the bathroom with black garbage bags over our heads so that the corners stuck up like Klan hoods. We chanted "Bagism! Bagism! Bagism!" as we entered. Then we grew silent as we entered the adjacent stalls, stood on the toilets and peered over the walls and down at him. He looked at us with terror, wondering what we might do to him.

We pulled out cans of cheeze whiz and squirted them on him, once again chanting "Bagism! Bagism! Bagism!"
3. What is the weirdest thing you will ever admit to having done in the past?

Apart from that last thing? When I was 16, I asked a girl that I barely knew to go with me to a Heart concert. To my surprise, she accepted. I was with two other guy friends and we got very stoned on the way there. I became paranoid and insecure and could not speak to her the whole night.
4. Who would you want to play you in the movie about your life (pick for various stages if you like)?

Let's see...up to 12 years old - Lance Kerwin.

Thirteen to 18, Lief Garrett:

Thereafter, Harry Connick, Jr.

Hey, I'm flattering myself, but we're talking about a movie, right?

5. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

With a woman that I adored and who adored me. Somewhere in Europe. Lots of wine would be involved. A fair amount of travel, too. Wouldn't it be nice? Ahhh.



ChickyBabe said...

How does one go from Leif to Harry thereafter?!

Bugwit said...


Get a haircut.

~d said...

Thank you, Bug. I love this! The (ummm) barber pole has piqued my curiosity, I must admit!
With the pennies, wouldn't someone notice if they cant lock their door?
Heart, huh? Are you sure it wasn't Quarterflash?
Got to agree with Chicky on the Leif to Harry transition.
(for your #5 ↓↓↓)
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one

(I wished on a star that you get all the best life has to offer you).

Jenny! said...

I think I need some clarificatin on #1...can I see it?

Bugwit said...


With the pennies, what happpens is they can't UNLOCK their door, so they are trapped inside.

Definitely Heart. Quarterflash was later.

Thanks for the kind wishes. <3


Gee, I don't'll have to run it by my gf. She's pretty open-minded, though.

BirdMadGirl said...

Tattooed?!?! You serious Clark? If that's the truth... you just went up a few notches in my man meat rankings ;)

I heart Harry. Good choice :)

Bugwit said...


Oh, absolutely! All us insurance agents are inked. I have the 'Good Hands' logo on my ass.

~d said...

I still don't understand how to do the pennies.
(scratches head..)

Bugwit said...

You tape two or three pennies together, then lean hard against the door and jam the pennies into the space between the door and the frame. You might have to hammer them in a little - it has to be VERY snug. Then the deadbolt is jammed too tight in its slot to slide out. Someone has to dig the pennies out from the outside.

~d said...

heh heh heh

Seeker said...

Hey there! I'm still around, only now somewhat settled in SacTown now. Haven't read much here yet, but... are these tatoos really there, or are they floating somewhere in that overabundant imagination, my friend, and just waiting to be immersed to ink and point and flesh?????
blog in some photos!!!!

Bugwit said...




Photos of my barber pole? Heavens!


Your Friend said...

**Note to self..

Do not let the kids see the instructions on how to "penny" a door... lol

Alrighty then, I double dog dare ya to come up with 5 questions for me.. :o)

Bugwit said...


You got it! I'll send them tomorrow!

Citymouse said...

very nice (um.. you could do me if you want)

Bugwit said...


You got it! I'm a little under the weather right now and my interview questions are on backorder (sorry peanut!).


Chicky Pea said...

I'm not buying that whole tattoo story!

Pink said...

I'm with chicky pea...I don't buy the tatoo story either!

Come to the other side, bug...Europe awaits :)

Your Friend said...

OH NO... I'm sorry to hear about you being "under the weather" ....

Rest up and get better, ok

And no rush on those questions.. just whenever you can..

Samantha said...

I've done this one, I found it quite fun!

Bugwit said...


Really? Can't buy it, huh?


We'll see. You never know.

You don't buy the tattoo thing, either? Hmm.


I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm working on some questions for you.


I'll check it out!

Dan said...

I don't spend most of my money ... the damned government steals it from me and spends it for me.

Jenny! said...

Dang GF's getting in the way of my viewing of your pole!

Bugwit said...


Now, now. I'm sure you have made use of the city streets and sewer systems, police, fire dept, etc.

I just wish I could withhold my share of war expanses!

(Welcome, by the way!)

Girlfriends have such bad senses of humor about these things.

M said...

you should get tattoos to look like you're fully clothed in a three piece suit under your clothes so that when you're naked you're still actually dressed.

love your last one :)

Bugwit said...


Shhh...*whispers* That's my favorite, too. :-D

Nick said...

I don't know you brother but I bet you've done wierder things than that.

Bugwit said...


Welcome. And hmmm...maybe you DO know me.

Jenny! said...

If my fiances had a pole like that...I would totally take pictures and post it! Maybe I should try talking him into that tat...then I would have my own pole and not need to see yours! Maybe just for example though!

Bugwit said...


Well, if you can figure out who to ask and get the requisite signatures, plus I'd have to see the girls...

Oh yeah, and bring me the broom of the wicked witch of the east!

jungle jane said...

I'm with Jenny on this one. We want to see the pole.

Gimme your girlfriend's email address Bug - i am CERTAIN i can get her to say yes...

Bugwit said...


I expect this kind of behavior from Jenny, but...yeah, I guess I'm not surprised at you either.

So you think you can talk her into it, eh? You must think she's easy.

jungle jane said...

Right I have emailed your girlie, Bug. She assured me its TOTALLY okay to get your pole out on your blog.

Please post pics. Jenny and I are waiting...

*whistles softly and taps her foot*

Bugwit said...

Fuck. Does anyone have a red Magic Marker and a steady hand?

jali said...

No comment.

missy said...

I want to them, too... but something I can do in 15 mins? :-p

Bugwit said...


Oh, come on! Comment!


Huh? I think that means you want questions.

Chicky Pea said...

Have I not told you how steady my hands are?

Bugwit said...

But do you have a red magic marker?

Pam said...

lmao hmmm james at 15 (16) to portray you. i think #5 would be extremely nice, and wouldn't it be great if u didn't have to be married to do so? lol