I gave everyone a little taste of Mrs. Wit's parents a few posts back and if you read it, you know that they can be a bit uptight and Mrs. Wit has serious issues with them. We tried once before to inform them that we are getting divorced but Mrs. Wit couldn't go through with it. She was just so worried about dealing with their disapproval that she chickened out in the middle of the dinner to which we had invited ourselves, for the express purpose of springing the divorce news.
On Saturday, Mrs. Wit began to feel pressure to go ahead and drop the bomb, as they were heading out of town for two weeks starting Monday and she didn't relish the idea of slapping them upside the head with the D-word during our father's day celebrations on Sunday.
So, for a couple of hours, she procrastinated and stressed and picked up the phone only to freak out and hang up before dialing. I felt so sorry for her that I finally called them myself and said we wanted to come over to tell them some news.
God knows what they thought we were going to say...pregnancy, leukemia, who knows? In the car, we rehearsed our answers to the anticipated questions and decided which questions we would just refuse to answer. It was like preparing for giving testimony.
We arrived and sat down with Mrs. Wit's mother while her father puttered around in the back of the the house trying to fix some reading glasses or something. We sat for fifteen awkward minutes making nervous small talk, all of us knowing we were going to drop something heavy on the parents, but not being able to get to the point without the father present. Mrs. Wit's mother's jaw clenched and unclenched as we waited.
When everyone was present, Mrs. Wit just blurted out the news, prompting her mother to exclaim "WHY!?"
We sputtered and blew our lines trying to give a reasonable account of our decision when the father interrupted and said, "Wait. You don't have to explain. If you want to tell us, you will when you're ready. In the meantime, we'll do whatever we can to help you. Just let us know if you need anything."
It seems small, but that exchange was remarkable. Mrs. Wit's mother demonstrated that she cared about us - something that she usually has a problem doing. The father was non-judgemental and offered unconditional support, which is something Mrs. Wit rarely has received from him. In short, the parents reacted better than we had ever dreamed. Sometimes people surprise you.
Another surprise was that this reaction on the part of the parents blew our whole game plan, which called for me to be the strong one and do most of the talking so that Mrs. Wit wouldn't lose it. She was so bouyied by the good reaction that she kept her head while I choked up. I couldn't say much except to thank them for how well they have always treated me and for being closer to me than my own parents. I meant every word. I will miss them.
Now the news is out. Everyone knows. Telling Mrs. Wit's parents made things more certain, more definite. There's no changing our minds now.
It seems a shame we can't divorce our parents. Or trade them in for new ones. Or take them to the scrap metal yard and have them crushed.
How about we try sell them on eBay?
Very interesting... yes, people have a way of surprising us. As glad as I am that it worked out, I can't help but ponder about your last sentence. Were you really giving it second thoughts? Both of you...
I'm so glad to hear you have that behind you. I can imagine how you were dreading that. Having to give that kind of news is no fun. I have a bit of experience with that. ((HUG))
I'm glad it went well. Change is a difficult thing and each step seems like another mountain, but you manage to keep going forward.
I am also struck by the final line. Second thoughts are natural, and if it becomes more than that, remember that nothing but death is written in stone.
I am very excited for you and for the life you have in front of you.
It's great that the two of you were able to sit down with family and tell them together. My exes an I are are speaking terms now, but prior to divorce things were pretty ugly.
I am so glad to see what Mr. Wit said. It is amazing sometimes how our parents fool us into believing they can't handle certain things and then they go off and prove that they really are adults!
I'm also so glad this is done, as I'm sure you are too. And who knows, you may end up continuing a relationship with them. Stranger things have happened.
I'm so happy this is no longer "looming" over you.
I like the auto crushing idea, but the ebay idea seems a little amoral because whoever bought them would surely be unsatisfied. I don't want a bad mark on my e-bay rating.
No, no second thoughts. That was my rather artless way of expressing that the act of telling her parents made it feel more final. Like signing the papers. Also, I was referring to a characteristic of Mrs. Wit's parents: they consider people to be falky if they don't do what they say they are going to do. Mrs. Wit and I joked that once we tell them, we HAVE to get divorced no matter what just to save face.
Yes, I know you do. I'm sure you can appreciate how much it helped for them to respond well. Or maybe they just saw an opportunity for their daughter to do better!
Thank you. Well let me relate something: After the meeting, Mrs. Wit and I were back home and talking about this very thing - changing our minds and all. I went and got two pieces of paper and two pens. I said, "Write down how sure you are that you want to get a divorce - expressed as a %."
I wrote 80%. Mrs Wit wrote 98%. So there you go.
Not many divorces go smoothly,I suppose. It is good that you didn't end up blood enemies.
PS: Sci-Fi nerd! ;-)
Thanks for the hug. :-)
Well, we were certainly making the 'gosh, we'll still see each other' noises, but you never know. My sis-in-law claims that she is going to keep inviting me to family functions and has made that clear to the parents. I hope so.
Awww, Bug, that is most definitely not the reason they acted that way :-)
Had they acted badly you could have blamed it on me. Because, as we all know.... everything is my fault.
No, I don't think that, actually. And if they do, they will be sorely disappointed!
My divorce is your fault. ;-)
If you do change your mind, make sure you get divorced and then simply re-marry.
It's more profitable re gifts and stuff.
Phew! I feel better now.
Oh dear. Bugsy, you misunderstood me. When I say that nothing is written in stone, I'm saying...if you change your mind...I won't think worse of you. You don't have to save face with me. If you don't change your mind, then thats ok too.
And my big bum is Chicky pea's fault.
oh and ps...with Jungle Jane's advice, I'd reckon she's a divorce lawyer!
(((Bugs))) if they have been good people to you, maybe you dont have to drop them like a sack of spuds.... maybe they are still in your future.....
its just a thought, cos you said you would miss them....... or do you mean miss them like when ya have a wart zapped from ya genitals and even though you hated it there, ya still miss it LOL
Good point. It could prove difficult to retrieve my wedding ring, though. Or to explain why it has a chunk sawed out of it.
CP: My pleasure.
PS: My back sorta hurts. Why have you do that to me?
And I was trying to demonstrate, even if I change MY mind, it doesn't mean anything unless it's mutual.
And I don't think Jane is actually a lawyer, but she does have an evil, devious mind, which is 99% of the qualifications.
Maybe not. But I won't be asking my ex-mother-in-law for a date, if that's what you meant. She doesn't really look like Blythe Danner.
I never have my gintal warts zapped for just that reason-I know that I would miss them too much. My parents warned me not to name them, as I'd become too attached.
I am certain your luck will only continue to blossom... Jane's undergarments are used in tribal medicine ceremonies you know. Quite powerful stuff.
Congrats on all accounts.
Hi, Bug. I'm glad you guys were finally able to spill the beans. It must have been pure misery to have to hold it in knowing that they would have to be told. I just wish that things could somehow be easier.
Welcome! All varieties of smoked and cured meats (and meat by-products) are welcome here!
Thank you for your congratulations. I hadn't heard that those undies were medicinal, but I had a feeling that they would cure boredom!
Howdy partner! Yes, it was no fun keeping silent about that. We are very releaved, especially Mrs. Wit.
I breathed a sigh of relief with you...then I laughed hard at Pinky's comments...I feel like I ran five miles..or maybe even like Monty did after his pockets were pawed and clawed..got a light?
WOW! Good for you BOTH! I can only imagine the relief!
I felt the same - like I'd run 5 miles - weth it was all done. It was 8:30 and we hadn't eaten dinner yet - too stressed. We stopped and bought a deli sandwich and ate quietly outside at a dark table. Not much to say.
(((Tildy))) Yes ma'am. <3 <3 <3
Onward Onward, dear friend.
Vaya con Dios.
For some reason, I found it easier telling my spouse I wanted it to be over than his family... and his little neices.
It definitely makes everything more certain... but not any easier.
I hope things are going well for you Bug. Sorry I haven't been by in a while. Just know I still hold a soft place for you ;)
It was good to see you IRL! I hope you stop by again, or if I get my way, I'll see you in London one of these days.
Good lord, I thought someone had driven a stake through your heart! Glad to see that is not the case. ;-)
Yep, telling people has been as bad as the decision we made.
It's nice to here you say that you have a soft place for me. Your new avatar makes me have a not-so-soft place for you!
im glad things went better than you planned. but there is always a turning back-- people even get remarried --- but ya, to say it out loud makes it real, I understand
City: Yeah, I suppose, but right now, that seems unlikely. Neither of us wants that.
Tildy: Hiya, bone kitty! Aren't you cute?
...if Mrs W. turned around and said "let's give it one more go" - would you?
M: Hmmm. No. I love her, but I think we've gone too far down the road and invested too much pain.
We've gone through the hell and the counseling and the emotional decisions and discussions.
I have to go ahead and try to live alone now. I want to know if I will be half a man without her or if I will become whole by being my own person.
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