Thursday, September 11, 2014

Red Storm Rising

I'm sitting here alone drinking wine, enjoying having the house to myself for the evening when the doorbell rings. In Arizona, the doorbell never rings, and if it does, you probably don't want to answer it. Most people who knock on the door are selling something or are trying to convert you to something. No one here one knows their neighbors and anyone you want to see will call first, which they have to do because they know you won't answer the door, because...well, you get the idea.

Well, it turns out that it's a day for exceptions because it IS my neighbor, I DO know him and I DID answer the door. He's from New York, so I have to excuse him for breaking the rules of Arizona friendship.

Sam sits down and I pour him some wine. He looks very depressed. I ask him what's wrong, and it seems that he's ankled it over to my place to comfort me about my pending divorce. He sees that I have my laptop and a pile of cd's on the coffee table and asks what I'm up to. I explain that Mrs. Wit and I split up our CDs today and I'm making copies of the ones we both wanted. Sam sighs like it was the most depressing thing he's ever heard.

I try my best to cheer him up, but he's inconsolable. Poor man.

I walk him out and we stand in the driveway and admire the storm that's colliding with the sunset. We have an awkward pause while he works himself up to leaving me to languish in my depression.

Distracted, I say, "Hey thanks for coming over, Sam, but I'm going to get my camera and get some pics of this! See ya!"

Sam mopes off home and I run for the camera and scamper around the neighborhood trying to capture the scene before I lose the light or it starts raining.


Pink said...

...oooh pretty pictures...

ChickyBabe said...

Beautiful colour in the sky... so lucky you got to take photos. Usually by the time I get me camera out, it's gone!

Bugwit said...


Yeah, it was a cool storm. Didn't rain much, though.


I almost lost these, too. It was almost too dark, and rain drops on the lens ruined a few, too.

Chicky Pea said...

Those are awesome pictures, Bug. Very nice job. Wish I could have enjoyed the scene in person.

Funny how some people are more depressed about our divorce then we are. Sounds like Sam doesn't want to lose you as a neighbor.

And I really must stop letting the kids use the computer while they are eating breakfast. Apparently Puppy dripped some syrup from his french toast that I made him. Yicky sticky!

MarmiteToasty said...

Divorce has such a knock on spread far and wide, much further then we can imagine.....

The photos was bloody amazing..... ok, now I want a new camera :)


jungle jane said...

Oh lordy me. Your garage is bigger than my entire apartment...

Your Friend said...

What's a garage? LOL :o)

They are gorgeous pictures, Bug...

'Fraid I haven't anything inspiring to say.. but hi anyhow...

Spilling Ink said...

OMG, Bug! Those are fabulous! I MUST visit Arizona one day. I absolutely MUST.

Show your poor neighbor the pix, Bug.

Maybe it will cheer him up. :-)

Joni said...

Beeeyouteeful! Nicely shot. It is funny how people get stuck in a mindset of how "one is supposed to react" to some things, and how they can't seem to see the signs when the reaction is different.

I'm glad you blew off the nice guy who doesn't quite get it, and got these shots instead.

Bugwit said...

Actually, I rent my garage to a family 15 British Sikhs. They are very noisy.


Don't worry about being inspirational. Even Tony Robbins has a day off. His teeth are always on their game, though.


I would do that except I'm afraid that he'll catch on that I'm happy. I'm hoping he'll let me borrow $1000 out of sympathy.


Yeah, the photos were more fun than the neighbor. I tried to make him feel better, but no success.

M said...

oh, that last one is absolutely gorgeous! Beautifully done.

Bugwit said...

M: Thanks, that's my favorite, too. to me, it looks like te clouds are almost come to life and trying to do battle with something as hot as molten lava.

Wonder what Mr. Rorschach would think of that?

Citymouse said...

nice pic, nice way to deal with the neighbor, nice new blog roll

Chicky Pea said...

Should I be insulted you didn't even address my comment :-( Damn, I've become an oversight.

jungle jane said...

Wow bug -that's amazing. My British Sikh neighbours think i am quite noisy. Seems they don't like my singing.

I hate racial intollerance...

Jenny! said...

Love the pictures...especially the last one! Sorry to hear about the divorce...everything happens for a reason!

Bugwit said...

Crap! I totally missed two comments!
Sorry, Les, Sorry Mel!!!

Ok, let's pretend that never happened.

Chicky Pea:

Sam does seem a little depressed. I think it's because Mrs. Wit and I are the only couple in this neighborhood, besides Sam and his wife, that are under 65.

It's quiet around here, but boring.


Sorry I missed you before!

Yes, lots of unforeseen effects. Some that I will write about soon.

And I hope you aren't thinking that I have an expensive camera. It's a five year old three megapixel Nikon. Can't even buy them that bad anymore.

Bugwit said...


Yeah, he's all down and out and I was running around excited. Poor guy.


Okay! How many times do I have to apologize? Geez! ;-)


Clearly, your neighbors don't understand the white people's culture and heritage of awful singing. Isn't there some sort of racial intolerance hotline or committee or council or something that you can call to make them sorry they were ever born?


Thank you and thank you.

I used to think that everything happens for a reason, and then I thought about truly horrible things like AIDS and the holocaust and Paris Hilton's new CD and I realized that God does not exist, for he would never allow these things to happen.

Girl Next Door said...

BUG!!..LOL @Tony you di'nt! The pictures are beautiful!I had forgotten how lovely Arizona nights can be....(minus weepy neighbors of course.)

Chicky Pea said...

It's okay Bug, I've cancelled the therapy appt. ((HUG))

MarmiteToasty said...

Its ok, just call me chopped kidneys or whatever it is they call ya when ya dont mean diddly sqwat LOL.......xx

~d said...

I think the pics are gorgeous! I wonder if Sam had something else on his perhaps a (twang?) of jealousy? It is exciting the prospect of MOVING on. Esp when one (or both of you) decided that you no longer wish to be married.
Be well, Bug.

Bugwit said...


I take you've done some time in the Valley of the Sun? Maybe at Sheriff Joe's Women's Correctional Institute and Dance Studio?


Oh, good. Can I take your spot?
Excellent. (((Les)))


Steak and liver pie? Something like that. You aren't chopped liver. We're two peas in a pod, remember?

It was definitely a food thing, so you're partly right.


I have experienced that slightly jealous feeling over someone else moving on. I would advise Sam to keep that shit in check and don't make any decisions based on that emotion.

Jenny! said...

Paris does make god seem nonexistent!

Pink said...

hey you weren't going to leave without a "farewell i'm going to become famous now, and forget all you losers" post were you?

have a great time bugsy! I bet you're going to find so many interesting people in school you forget all about your blog pals. And I can just imaging you now...with your new-found freedom saying to some pert boobed young lady - 'like to come up and take a look at my manuscripts?'

Ooooooooh! swwoooon.

Have an awesome time, but remember - we knew you before you were famous! (So don't charge us too much for the autographs)

Bugwit said...


Even if God exists, I thinks Paris offsets any good he might do.


I'll be updating from school after I get there.

I'll be sure to keep a close eye out for a pert-boobed woman to show my MAN-u-script.

I promise a free autograph to anyone that knows my name. Or sells me coffee.

Pink said...

In some desert states, you could find those two in one!
vaya con con paris?

jungle jane said...

Fuck. Still just the one blogroll link then...

Jenny! said...

Paris is proof the devil exists!

Jenny! said...

Or that hell is really on earth!

Bugwit said...


Yes, but they'll spell your name wrong!


We can discuss additional links. You will need to provide proof of non-chavette status, however.


I'll give you hell on earth! My favorite local radio station played her cd non-stop the day after she was sent back to jail.

I took that station off my pre-sets.

Tits McGee said...

Those are so beautiful they made me ache.

Much like your writing.

Bugwit said...


Why thank you!!

Its good to see you!!

Pink said...

True - I've seen your name spelled with a P - who spells Bugwit with a P? Weird desert critters.

Jenny! said...


Mackenzie said...

He's more depressed about the whole thing than you are.

Those pics are awesome.

Vilma Rubi said...

I can´t belived!!!
The historie sound like the rules her too .
But nice ... when the people can share them depress feelings...
And those pics make me feel a part off that place...
with all those feelings too ...

Bugwit said...


Or Tania with a Y! Americans!


It was funny in concept. Not so funny once the first song started.


Yeah, I thank he's just realizing that he'sd trapped! Heh.


Thank you about the pictures. THis is one of the best times of the year in the desert. In July and August, there are storms almost every efternoon. The storms are very dramatic.

Chicky Pea said...

You really need to drop me a line. Just sayin'. ((HUG))

Pink said... is it, already?


Anonymous said...

That last one is absolutely fantastic.