Thursday, September 11, 2014

Here, Have a Magazine While You Wait

I've been working on my next post for most of the week and I just haven't gotten it where I like it. It's not fair to keep you all waiting in the lobby with nothing to do, so here's some pictures from old posts to look at while you wait.
Can you recall the post associated with the picture?


Pink said...

errrm...nope I don't remember the posts (course I've only been reading awhile)

so...erm...I'm finished...need some more reading material mr. bugsy!


Anonymous said...

Evening, Bug.

Those pics bring back memories of some very fine posts.

And I don't trust that guy behind the pope.

Bugwit said...

Pinks: Okay, okay! I'll work on it tonight! ;-)

Winter: Yeah, he seems to be working some sort of mechanism, huh?

The guy to the left looks a little shifty, too.

Spilling Ink said...

Is it from Nikki?

Love that pic of Bush and the Pope. Classic.

Bugwit said...

Lynn: One of the pictures is from Nikki! Good catch!

M said...

hehe oh yes, one of those pics in particular still affects me. ;)

Bugwit said...

M: Ah, yes, Tumbleweeds. ;-)

I actually used that for an avatar for a short time. Maybe I should go back to it! ;-)

Kat said...

I definately recognize the nekedness. That pic is burned in my brain.

Bugwit said...

Kat: That seems to be a very popular pic. I used it for my avatar for a while, but I began to feel like one these guys that used a picture of his dick for an avatar.

ChickyBabe said...

I remember the pics but not the posts. I took that same first shot when I was in London last year, from the train. Thanks for the memory Bug :).

Bugwit said...

Chicky: Every true Pink Floyd fan has to take that pic!

Did you know that when they did the photo shoot for Animals, the inflatable pig got loose in a gust of wind and drifted into the flight patterns?

It took a lot of convincing to get permission to do it again.

Pink said...

Pink Floyd? I live so close to that monstrosity that I just think of it as the crap that interrupts my lovely river walk along the thames. Pink Floyd?

I was more of a Supertramp kid.


Pink said...


if you're going to make us wait with a paltry magazine...could you at least make sure it has better porn?


~d said...

OMI! I remember and recognize SO MANY OF THESE PICS!!


Bugwit said...

Tania: What, no love for Pink Floyd OR Battersea Station?

Well, I liked Supertramp, too, but Floyd was the shit.

I look forward to seeing that old power station every time go to London. If it weren't for Pink Floyd, they probably would've torn that thing down!

PS: I'll see what I can do about the porn.

Tildy: I knew you would! Thanks for playng!

Pink said...

I should like Pink Floyd - at least half their name is cool. But Battersea power station is a blight in my neighborhood. Sorry.

We don't need no education.

We do, however, need better porn.

~d said...

yea-the boxer dude was a real early post...we were all getting to know you. I used to see you at PDD's back then.
Where you and she taught me abt a canoe and camping!!

Bugwit said...

Ahhh, memories!

I haven't been to PDD's in a long time!

Pink said...

You call that porn?

Bugsy...where have you been surfing man? Geez!

Well at least that engaged you enough to get a damn post up!

More reading material please (impatient patient at the best of times!)

~d said...

I forgot my hair was that long...the third to bottom pic!


Anonymous said...


That was a splendid series of pictures on the above post, even though I speak as an Englishman, and therefore find such raciness a little overwhelming.

To get the comments up, you need to modify the post and go to the "post options" box on the bottom left and change the comment settings before republishing.

Chicky Pea said...

I would never use scissors like that, a girl could really hurt herself.

~d said...

I could use them ON YOU, Chicky...(smile)

Chicky Pea said...

~d - very sweet of you but I don't think I have enough to trim :-)

Bugwit said...

Tania: No, I actually wouldn't call that porn, but I'm also not willing to go hardcore in my waiting room, so this will have to do! ;-)

Tildy: Yees, you DO have some nice hair in tha pick!

Winters: I must be part English, because I just can't seem to get prurient enough to please the masses.

CP: Those are some serious scissors, aren't they? There's no way in hell I would get them NEAR my crotch!

Tildy, CP: None of that now. Not without inviting your host.

Pink said...

Hey! Where'd our pretty pictures go?

At least you could give us some comic books if you take away our reading material


Bugwit said...

Sorry, Pinks. Just realized some work implications and took it down.

Now post comming soon!

~d said...

I was having fun playing with Rev Pink!
cant you at least put the comments back up!?

Bugwit said...

Awww...I'm sorry, it's deleted. Boo, Bug!

Molly said...

I have been in Margaritaville recently! I am back.


Bugwit said...

Darn, Molly, you just missed the party!

Oh, well, at least you were having one of your own!

Pink said...
