Thursday, September 11, 2014

Catching Up

Life is what happens while you wait for something better to come along. Who said that? Sounds wise. I hope it wasn't some crappy pop star. If it's true, then I've experienced a fair amount of life lately.

In case you missed the last episode, Mrs. Wit and I are firmly splitting up. We plan to separate when she gets a job and divorce when the house sells. She's been looking for a job since May. We haven't put the house up for sale because there is water damage around a window in our guest house. It smells like mold in there, too. On Friday, after over a month of trying to get a contractor to fix this, one finally showed up and tore off some sheet rock... and then disappeared. Haven't seen him since. I swear, I think we need to shoot a few contractors in the public square as an example to their professional peers.

Meanwhile, the job search has stalled as Mrs. Wit...well lets just say that she has a problem that prevents her from sitting for very long. So, she's thinking that she'll put off getting a job until she can sit still for one. Well, at least she'll be here to watch the agency while I head off to Baltimore and grad school here in a couple of weeks. I had planned on paying a sub to hold down the fort. That is rather expensive, though, so I'm not completely pissed that she doesn't have a job.

I need some time off. Going to hot, humid, crime-ridden Baltimore in August while sitting through lectures during the day and doing writing assignments at night is not my idea of vacation. Maybe I'll try to squeeze in a little holiday while I'm already out and about. Somewhere nice and cool would be nice. It's been hot as hell's sauna here lately.

I first contacted my grad school about a year ago and now I am finally going. I've been waiting so long, it felt like it would never happen. I had stopped thinking about it much. Now in the last few weeks, I learned that we'll be workshopping with Gay Talese, a founder of the Creative Non-fiction genre. Then I learned that my mentor will be Richard Todd, a former editor at Harper's and the New Yorker, and a 30-year publisher at Simon & Schuster. He had his own imprint, which is basically a brand of books. My 'buddy' that I have been paired with is Francine Kiefer, a reporter and editorial writer with the Christian Science Monitor. She reported from the Berlin wall when it fell and was at Bush's first press conference after 9/11. Google her and see how many articles come up.

The point to all this that I'm feeling a little intimidated. I think I write well, but these are some very big hitters I'm dealing with. I have the potential to get seriously out-classed here. Oh well. Who better to learn from, eh?

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of putting my business up for sale. I have an interested buyer, I think. We'll see. Anyone want to be an insurance agent?

So there is my life while I wait for something more interesting. This autumn promises to be as interesting as I can handle! Many things will happen all at once, I believe. All the things I have been waiting for.


jungle jane said...

I will buy your business, Bug. I can offer you 12 Euros, a black cat and a half eaten beef pie.

I also have a nice fluffy pillow i can trade with Mrs ExWit to assist her sitting down endeavours. Please ask her what she will be offering me in exchange. thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love Baltimore...the's a fun city..I know which crimey places to stay away from..I worked there for a while, and as you know I live in long will you be there/here?..hopefully you will get to enjoy some of the fun the city has to offer, and believe it or not this area hasn't suffered (yet) in the humidity dept. like last year...Sounds exciting for you!

Pink said...

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

Certainly not a crappy pop star but probably one of the finest writers of our generation.

Good luck with your changes.

And I'm with JJ - there are plenty of chiropractic friendly pillows for those with trouble sitting. I think they are online - one is called the Back Store, I believe.

Your Friend said...

Well, well...

Baltimore isn't **all** that far away from where I am!

Hey.. heads up and pay attention, Mr BugWit

I've made the decision to make the blog private.. by invite only.. let me see if your address is on your profile or anything, and I'll send an invite.. ok?

Not deliberately excluding anyone.. but safety first.. and I'm not so safe right now..


Pink said...
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Bugwit said...


Your offer is generous, but not quite good enough. While the Euro (and all other currencies) are pummeling Mr. Bush's dollar, we haven't yet reached the wheelbarrows- of-cash-to-buy-groceries stage.

What can you offer in the non-cash realm besides cats and pasties?

Mrs. Wit says she will give you one lightly used husband in exchange for your pillow.


I will be there for two weeks. Yeah, I've been there before. The inner harbor is nice, but you don't want to stray too far...

They aren't going to let me out of my cage very much while I'm there. I might get some time in the middle weekend. I'm trying to line up something with old high school friends. I went to Lackey High in Indian Head, if you are familiar.

Oh, THAT hack? He was nothing without Paul. ;-)

Well, if I had to quote a pop star, that's a good one.


Sounds like a good choice on your part. You can't argue with crazy people.

Spilling Ink said...

Bug, this is fabulous! I know you must be a little nervous, but I can't wait to hear your blog reports from Baltimore.

Bugwit said...


I do intend to blog while I'm there. Maybe even daily posts, if I'm not too busy. But seeing as I'll be forced to write almost every day anyway...

Thanks for the support!

jungle jane said...

Bug i have given this more thought.

I can increase my offer to include a couple of dead garden mice, a joke coffee cup that gives people electric shocks and a purple public wig only used twice.

I could possibly swap the beef pie for a chicken pie if that would tip the scales?

Have your people call my people, yeah?

~d said...
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Anonymous said...

I am familiar Bug, so you sure don't need my pointers..wait til you see how much Indian Head and parts of Bauld-i-more have grown.

Bugwit said...


The garden mice are tempting, but will hardly feed me for very long. The chicken/beef pie sounds yummy but I'm not sure. English food can be so plain.

Can you describe the joke coffee cup, just out of curiosity.

The wig sweetens the deal appreciably, but I think need more.


That looks great! A drinking vacation with a catwoman!

Where do you find this stuff?

Chicky Pea said...

Bug - I wish only the best for you. Things always seem intimidating before you start them but once involved I'm sure you'll do great. And the mini-vacation sounds great. Have a wonderful time.

Bugwit said...


Sorry about that, I somehow missed you there. Well, I won't be headed to Indian Head, just staying in Balmer. But, If you have hints about your favorite places in Balmer, let me know!

CP: Thanks, I know I'll be fine, but there may be a steep learning curve ahead! Thanks for the good wishes!

Anonymous said...

..notice how I ASSumed it's been a while since you had been this way?


Bugwit said...


No problem! It's understandable. Why would anyone go to Baltimore?

Girl Next Door said...


..look at me...I might be bloggin' again.


Bugwit said...

I looked! Conrats! Especially on the fleet of boats and tbe Victoria's Secret Modeling job! You rock, girl!

Joni said...

Think of it this way, Bug. You got accepted to the program for a reason. You got paired with who you did for a reason. These people, this school, know what they are doing. Accept it. Gracefully. And TRUST it!

You're going places, man! Don't blow it with self-doubt!

Tits McGee said...

Catching up, indeed. Jesus, I'm out of touch. Sorry, baby. Amazing what can happen when you blink.