Thursday, September 11, 2014

Home Away From Home Away From Home

Here's my dorm room (words I thought I'd never say again). The bed feels tiny.

Here's the building where I have most of my classes. All the buildings are of the same stone.

The campus is heavily wooded. So much so that it's hard to get a picture of anything. Trees obscure everything.

I've been looking everywhere for this Ginger chick, but no luck so far.


Anonymous said...

Love ginger! Your dorm room reminds me of my room at Uni last summer!

Jenny! said...

I have never lived in a dorm...thank the lord!

Bugwit said...


I've heard great things about Ginger!
Seems like I remember some dorm pics from last year. I'll have to go back and look.


Ohm Jenny(!), how you've missed out. You mostly missed a lot of drunken sex.

Pink said...

so you been having drunken sex with your cleaniac flatmate? ;)

I like what you've done with the place ;)

Your Friend said...

Amazing how dorm room furniture looks like it was 'cut' from the same piece of wood wherever you are, huh? I'd swear that was the same desk I had in my dorm at the nursing school in the UK ! lol

Hi Bug.. hope you're having a good day... is it as hot down there (??up there ?? across there??) as it is here in PA today? (So hot today, that the air conditioner in the store gave up the ghost, and the customers were NONE too happy!! )


BirdMadGirl said...

I'm so happy for you :) We live different lives but somehow they keep appearing quite similar to me. Best of luck to you :) :)

Hopefully the last two days have been more productive than the first one ;)

Bugwit said...


He moved out actually. Now I have the place to myself! Woohoo!


We're not to far south from you, I think. And yes, it has been very hot and sticky.

Dorm furniture is always the same looking isn't it? Ugly.


I've noticed that, too. I hope my situation turns out as well. :-p

Oh, and yes, things are improving greatly!

Samantha said...

I just got accepted to college myself. Scared!

Bugwit said...

Sam: Woot!!! That is fucking cool! KNow what you want to study?

Joni said...

Dude, Ginger is with Maryann! Don't you know ANYTHING?!


Nice pix.

M said...

...glad it wasn't a dud root..I mean read.

Jenny! said...

No, I had plenty of drunk sex! I moved out of my parents house when I was 17 and had my own apartment!

Bugwit said...


Maryanne was cuter, but sometimes you have to go with the magic!

M: Takes an Aussie to get that! I was wondering if any would show up!


I suppose you did then! Do you have pictures? ;-)

Spilling Ink said...




Chicky Pea said...

Looks like that bed could afford some closeness!

ChickyBabe said...

The bed IS tiny! No room for a teddy bear. Or Ms Ginger.

Bugwit said...

((((Lynnster)))) :-)


Afford? How about force? I wish I could kick my own ass out of bed to get more room.


I can always find room for a magical root!

Jenny! said...

Who doesn't is the more appropriate question!

Bugwit said...


Dirty girl!

~d said...

(I never realized how much I could LIKE Jenny!)

very small bed!
and aren't you like 6'7" or something outrageous?!

Bugwit said...


so i fit, barely

Mackenzie said...

Are you actually staying in the dorm?

Bugwit said...

bv: yeah! isn't that a hoot?

Mackenzie said...

That really is a hoot.